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Bowling heading towards change you can believe in!

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If you thought bowling was a sport predominately played by white grown-ups, you might have to think again.

The new developments within the sport coming into the new season are evident enough to prove that yes we can all play bowling. Nineteen-year-old lady player, Dlalisile Dlamini gives us an in-depth insight about her involve-ment in the sport during a face to face interview with Swazi News Sports reporter Mabandla Bhe-mbe

Swazi News: My first glance tells me you are young and very young. When and where did you start playing the game?

Dlalisile Dlamini(DD): I started played bowling when I was only seventeen years old.

SN: Considering how young you are, how did you get invol-ved with a sport that is popul-arly played by adults and associated with white players?

DD: My father is the one who introduced me to the sport two years ago. He would take me to Manzini Bowling Club, where one of his friends, Derick Shirley, took me through the basics of the game together with Dawn. This is not a white people sport. It actually accommodates all races and fun to play. By participating in most bowling tournaments, my love for bowling grew each day and I have never looked back.

SN: Besides your father, who else has assisted you in improving your game and nurturing your talent?

DD: My current Malkerns Club coach, Waldemar Stegan. She has been inspirational, motivational and like a mother to me. Her experience in the game has also taught me a lot on how to be a winner in the game and having the confidence in me whenever in a game. That is why nowadays I get to see myself playing with experienced players because I believe to be the best you have to play the best.

SN: In the two years that you have been in the game, how have you fared in the tournaments that you have participated in?

DD: I have been involved in a number of tournaments for a period of a year. Since then, I have partici-pated in two open ring and novice singles tournaments. I have mana-ged to win one novice singles tournament.

SN: What is your take on the Swaziland Bowling Associ-ation?

DD: I think they are doing a great job, especially through bringing exciting changes into the game. For instance, the Colour Splash Tournament brought much diversity and excitement to the game. The Sport Olympic Council of Swaziland (SOCS) has also played a vital role in assisting towards the development of the game. Our association has made that possible. I am also gradually seeing more players of other races coming through the development structures. This is good for the sport and I would like to urge my peers to come and play bowling whether boys or girls.

SN: What are your immediate goals in the sport and future achievement?

DD:To emulate my sister (Nobuhle) who is one if not the best lady golfer in the country. I want to be the best lady Swazi bowler and I know I can.

It’s all about believing in myself. I would like to see myself representing my country in the near future and bringing back medals from every tournament I will participate in.

SN: We are proud of you and wish all the best.

DD: Thank you very much.

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