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Things not to buy when used

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MBABANE- Consumers normally find them selves faced with a dilemma when it comes to deciding on the choice of goods they are willing to purchase.

It is normally difficult for some consumers to strike the balance between new and used items.

In most instances consumers are forced to settle for second hand goods because of the size of their wallets. To some, the size matters not but its generosity. Some consumers settle for used goods because of a passionate hatred to spend. Today Consumer Link will be highlighting some of the no go areas when it comes to buying used items.

Some were never meant to be owned by two different people. Here are some of the products which product experts have warned consumers to be wary of purchasing used items.

1. Plasma and HD TVs:  The cost for fixing or replacing the parts on plasma or HD TVs is high. Sometimes, it costs as much as buying a new TV. Considering the repair costs, you’d want to get an extended warranty, but that is not an option if you buy your TV used.

2. Laptops: Because of their portability, laptops are prone to all sorts of abuse and problems. When you buy a used laptop, unless it’s refurbished, you have no idea what it’s been through or when important parts will die on you. You also do not get the warranties and tech support that come with buying new.

3. Digital & video cameras: Like laptops, used digital and video cameras are likely to have been dropped and banged around. It may not be obvious, but once the damage kicks in, it’ll be expensive to repair. If you know you can get a great new camera without breaking the bank then go for it.

4. Tyres: Sometimes it’s hard to tell if used tyres were once part of a totaled wreck. If they have been in an accident, they’re bound to be unstable and unreliable. Putting your safety at risk for the sake of saving just does not add up.

5. Bicycle helmets: Usually, a crash would only crush the foam inside the helmet casing, so the damage to the helmet may not be visible. However, since helmets are meant to protect against one accident only, buying new would be a safer bet.

6. Speakers and microphones: Speakers and microphones are sensitive audio equipment that does not stand up well to blasting and mishandling. Like laptops and cameras, the damage may not be obvious, but their performance would be severely compromised.

7. Mattresses and bedding: Just think, you may be sleeping with other people’s mold, mites, bacteria, and bodily fluids. Besides, even the really good mattresses are only supposed to last eight to 10 years, and it’s hard to know for sure how old a used mattress may be.

8. DVD players: While it’s smart to buy used DVDs, this doesn’t apply to DVD players. DVD players have lasers that will eventually wear out. The cost to repair or replace may cost more than the player is worth.

9. Car seats: Even if a used car seat looks OK, damaged car seats aren’t uncommon. Considering that safety technology improves every year and the fact that car seats can go for as little as E50 buying new is usually the better option.

10. Software: Most software comes with a serial number that you register with the company when you activate the software on your computer. If the serial number on your use software has already been registered, you cannot use it again.

11. Camera lenses: An SLR camera lens is the most expensive part of a camera. It also directly affects the quality of your images. Any damage to the lens, however slight, will show up in your photos.

12. Photo light bulbs: Not the ordinary light bulbs you use at home. We are talking about the light bulbs used with photography equipment. They are relatively expensive, but their life span is short enough that you likely won’t get much use out of them if you buy second-hand.

13. Children’s furniture: If there’s any chance that you’ll put your children at risk by buying used, just buy new. Used children’s furniture can be a safety hazard because you can’t be certain of a potential recall or if the crib was installed correctly.

14. Swimsuits and undergarments: This is probably a no-brainer, but it needs to be said: Do not, do not, and do not buy used swimsuits or undergarments. They’re worn too close to the body someone else’s body, to consider, buying used.

15. Wet suits: Wet suits lose the ability to keep you warm over time. If you’re a scuba diver, or the last owner was one, the constant change in water pressure will eventually wear out the wet suit and make it more likely to tear.

16. Shoes: If you get used footwear, it’s likely they’re already molded to the last owner’s feet. Poor-fitting shoes are not only uncomfortable but can cause all sorts of health problems, as well.

17. Hats: Hats are likely not cleaned before they’re resold or donated. If you buy a used hat, you don’t know if you’re also getting skin infections, old sweat stains, hair products, and other cringe-worthy remnants. Now that’s a deal you don’t want.

18. Makeup: A good thing to remember about used makeup is that it’s a breeding ground for bacteria and a number of contagious diseases. The great deal you found may come with pink eye and cold sores. Instead of buying used, consider making your own beauty products it’s easier than you think or skip makeup altogether.

19. Vacuum cleaners: Vacuums are among the heavy-duty household appliances that tend to get a lot of use and abuse. They can also cost more to fix than if you bought them new right from the start.

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