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Every culture in the world worthy of the name of ‘culture’ respects its dead. Every society worth being a part of respects the spiritual significance the dead hold, especially for their relatives.

Following the revelations that employees at the Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital morgue and Zenzeleni Funeral Parlour have been stealing and selling human body parts, Swaziland cannot count itself worthy of respect among the nations of the world.
The Swazi nation has been deeply shamed as the barbaric practice of using human body parts for magic is revealed to be a common, indeed routine, trade.

The horror of carving up human beings as so much meat, and selling the off-cuts like a butcher, can do nothing but arouse the deepest disgust and contempt in any human with a soul and, among those whose revered dead have been so treated, utter hatred.

For a society which professes to respect the ancestors and Christianity, this is a spiritual stain that runs deep. Swazis are used to suffering the pains of life secure in the knowledge that death will bring them some form of peace, if not a spiritual existence untouched by misery.

Yet even death is no refuge from disrespect and humiliation in this nation of such intense spiritual passion it aspires to become ‘the Pulpit of Africa’. In fact, death brings with it one final degradation, one last insult.

There can be only one sentence for those who so trample on the nation’s values by buying and selling pieces of our loved ones – life in prison.

No other sentence will bring home the utter sacrilege of these grave-robbers and deter others who place greed above the value of a human being. These human hyenas must be stopped, once and for all, and they must be stopped now.

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