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MANZINI – Ncumbi Maziya, the Commissioner of the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC), is not taking the allegations of corruption in some constituencies lightly.

Yesterday, the commissioner blasted some candidates and said it was shameful that they were reported for alleged corruption during the recently held Primary Elections.

Maziya was reacting to irregularities and abnormalities observed by aspiring MPs and Tindvuna during the Primary Elections at an event held at Manzini Central High School, where the EBC had met aspiring MPs, among others.

After voicing out his thoughts, many people were seen shaking his hand and further thanked him for speaking his mind and telling the truth, especially about the issue of corruption.
Maziya had noted that the people behind such corrupt practices would eventually sell the country and His Majesty the King.
He minced no words in naming the affected constituencies.

“Manzini South, Kwaluseni, Ngculwini, kuhambanjani bafana? We have been informed of irregularities in those constituencies. The commission is aware of all the nominees ferrying people in buses or kombis. We have been informed and the public is also noting that.

“What will shock those corrupt people is that the people who have witnessed this will mobilise and put all their votes to one person, who will be the actual winner. Sinifisela kutsi ningawini, sathane uyabati bantfu bakhe –We wish you do not win the elections as the devil knows his people and those affected are here getting embarrassed and facing down right now,” Maziya said.

Some of the people who posed questions included aspiring Manzini North Member of Parliament, Jan Sithole, who raised a concern about candidates who were allegedly using government resources, mostly vehicles for campaigning.

Sithole requested answers in terms of the commission’s Code of Conduct and what had been done to those people.
“Some of the cabinet members are still in office, which is a first and they have been seen campaigning using government resources, nakutsiwa siyalingana, silingana njani ke nakunje,” Sithole enquired.
Maziya revealed that they had conveyed a meeting with the affected candidates and advised them all to park the vehicles.
“We told them to stop using government resources and instead use personal vehicles. Nangabe kusachubeka sekufuna kungasihambeli kahle, kuganga loko - loosely translated, ‘If is it still happening, then those people are playing an unfair game, such conduct is unlawful and not supposed to be happening,” Maziya said.
Meanwhile, many candidates raised concerns about people imbibing alcoholic beverages during the elections and further disrupting the process.
Maziya said such misconduct emanated mainly from people who were not from the affected constituencies.
“Since most people have raised concerns of people buying votes, the nominees who ferry the voters in buses should answer such questions as they are the ones who buy the voters alcohol. However, as the commission we condemn such acts as they are disrespectful and further put the country’s reputation into disrepute. Ngulabahlonishwa labo, who are also drunkards, how can they then go to Parliament and lead the country?” Maziya added.
The Commissioner further pointed out two places, Enjabulweni and Ngevini where he said he personally found voters intoxicated and some passed out on the voter’s booths.
“I engaged the police and asked them how that was happening. I was too shocked by the way people drank alcohol inside polling stations, kwehlisela live sitfunti loko bekunene,” Maziya mentioned.
He further advised people to refrain from linking the EBC with damaged roads in constituencies and stated that it was the duty of ministers to fix the roads with allocated budgets.
“We would also like to condemn campaign managers’ (bogalajane)  acts of going around marking the posters which the Commission has put up in public places. That is lawful and if found, those people will face serious charges,” he added.
Manzini South aspiring MP Owen Nxumalo requested the commission to beef up security as the people who imbibed alcoholic beverages indeed disrupted proceedings of the elections.
Meanwhile, Manzini South aspiring Indvuna, Pitoli Shabangu and MP Jan John Horton said they were concerned about people who voted in constituencies which they were not from.
They said such corruption destroyed the elections process and the EBC had to act immediately.
“It is unfortunate that as much as we are aware that some aspiring MPs and candidates buy votes from textile workers and other people, the EBC does not have the rightful resources to tackle some of the acts of corruption. Such issues are reported and when the voter’s roll is checked, indeed those textile workers are found there. I insist, we pray that those people do not make it through the elections, they are not needed near the King,” Maziya said
In conclusion, Maziya thanked all the candidates who participated in the sessions.

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