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If you will be driving to Durban, read this

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MBABANE – The car hijacking nightmare experienced by a number of Swazi motorists when travelling to South Africa along the Caroline road in Mpumalanga in 2003 has resurfaced in Mkusi, Kwa- Zulu/Natal.

The car thieves are alleged to be targeting cars with Swazi registration. Motorists are warned to be on the lookout.
Last week Friday, a local motorist travelling along the road between Mkusi and Mtubatuba was hijacked at around 9:30pm.

The hijacked driver, known to the Swazi News, emailed his ordeal.
“I was hi-jacked last week Friday by people I believe are targeting SD registration cars. These people wait at either the Mkusi One Stop or the Petrol Port looking for SD registered cars that drive into the garage with one or two people inside. Upon your departure, they will allow you to drive out of the petrol garage and then follow you. Along the road, they will then overtake you and either throw something on the road from outside their car window that will surely puncture your tyres. When you pull over they pounce on you,” he wrote.

The hijacked motorist further revealed; “Do not travel on this road at night and be very careful if you are to utilise the Mkusi One stop or Petrol Port service station. Please be aware of this as it has been going on for sometime. All people in Swaziland should be aware of this and hope this may not happen to any Swazi”.
Police PRO Vusi Masuku said they will be working hand in hand with their South African counterparts to arrest this problem.

“Following the sudden resurfacing of local cars being hijacked in South Africa, we would be liaising with our SA counterparts to ensure that the safety of locals is guaranteed. In the light of the latest developments, locals should refrain from travelling at night unless it is on emergency. Where possible, they should also drive in convoy so as to assist one another in case of any eventuality,” he said.  

In Mpumalanga, the South African Police Service acted swiftly to the scourge as it also reflected negatively not only to the province but also the country at large with the 2010 World Cup beckoning.

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