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Salebona hangs up his boots!

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MHLUME- Young Buffaloes’ burly striker, Salebona ‘Salas’ Jele has hung up his boots.

Buffaloes’ coach Zenzele ‘Ace’ Dlamini confirmed the latest development. This effectively means fans will no longer have the chance to see the former Sihlangu striker bulldozing his way past defenders.
Dlamini said this was a mutual decision taken by the team and the player whom according to Dlamini had identified other prospects in life.

“Salebona has played his part and has always been an integral part of the team in the Premier League. He has a clean record and it was only befitting that we accord him a worthy send off,” he said.
Dlamini said the team would organise a farewell event for the player in recognition of the grand role he has played in the team’s survival.

He added that the striker who also played for Sihlangu would be missed by the team.
“I know that Salebona recently enrolled to improve his military studies and we can hope that he would also want to come and be involved in a more leadership role within the team,” he said.
Dlamini said Jele would be a great resource for the team, adding that he would consult him if he (Ace) needed help.
“This man has played a crucial part in ensuring Buffaloes was where it was and has been one of the longest serving players. He has so much football wealth in him whom the team could use and he has agreed to help us whenever approached.

“I would like to congratulate him for everything he wants to do and we will always support him,” he said.
The player could however not be reached for comment at the time of going to press yesterday, as his mobile phone was apparently switched off.

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