Home | Letters | There is hope in the new Ntfonjeni High deputy

There is hope in the new Ntfonjeni High deputy

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Kindly allow me space to acknowledge the work being done by the newly-appointed Ntfonjeni Deputy Principal widely known as ‘Mr R’ amongst pupils.

Previously, there were problems about our school library and pupils complained to him and he acted positively, today we are free to visit the library anytime.

Pupils used to wear anything they liked but now it’s uniform 100 per cent from day one to day five.
That proves he is the man fit for the job.
He treats us equally, he never discriminates against us and we pray and hope that the Lord guides and gives him wisdom to lead us without fear or favour.
We expect a lot of changes to take place.
Keep it up Nkhosi, your work would never go unnoticed. Your reward is with God.


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