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A Bad precedence indeed

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Thank you for allowing me to comment on your daily paper.
Once there was a ‘king’in the land of KwaNdebele, in South Africa. For some reason, it dawned that some of the ’kings’ within the Republic had been illegitimately installed.
The Republic demoted over three such leaders to normal citizens.
However, the Kingdom of Swaziland had previously accorded this king a red carpet status on his visits to the country, a status above his normal princely birth.
Then came in deposed Madagascar leader, Marc Ravalomanana; a red carpet was laid, despite his drop in status.
Here I see a bad trend where the country will host ‘leaders’ who are not leaders in their own countries; the country will continue courting and pampering them for years to come.
On the first issue there is very little doubt that the Republic of South Africa will reverse its researched and legally executed decision; similarly the populace of Madagascar has accepted Mr Rajoelina as their preferred candidate for presidency and it follows naturally that anyone trying to impose a deposed undesirable will not succeed. That is a basic element of democracy.
In these two examples the government of Swaziland shall continue, playing big brother and recognising fallen heroes and depleting the meagre resources we have at the detriment of the suffering Swazis. In history only heroes and leaders leave their names in the books, but we seem to be hell-bent in remembering the least noble.
A leader is supposed to be fed and maintained by his subjects, period.


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