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Good Friday tragedy

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PIGG’S PEAK – While other people were commemorating the death and resurrection of Christ on Good Friday, residents of Lomshiyo had nothing to celebrate.

This comes after a mentally challenged knife- wielding 22-year-old man attacked and stabbed five people, killing a 67-year-old man on the spot. The motive of the violence is unknown.

The alleged attacker, Lunga Mavuso of Hhelehhele, has since been admitted to the Psychiatric Centre. He is the second mentally challenged person to allegedly attack and kill a person from this area. He joins Derrick Fakudze, another mentally challenged man who allegedly strangled and killed a sedated patient inside a psychiatric ward, in which they were locked by nurses who had gone for lunch.

It was gathered that the violent Mavuso allegedly stabbed three of his family members before he went to Lomshiyo where he allegedly ruthlessly attacked and attempted to stab every person he came across.


At Hhelehhele, he had allegedly stabbed both his grandparents. He further allegedly stabbed one Winile Malambe and an unknown boy who was in company of Malambe. Three of the stabbed persons are currently recuperating at the government hospital here. At Lomshiyo, Mavuso is alleged to have pounced on Makhosini Zulu whom he stabbed twice in the chest, killing him on the spot.

According to witnesses, Zulu was on his way home from a local shebeen.
“Mavuso was on the same pathway used by Zulu and when they met he started attacking him. He stabbed him twice in the chest and Zulu fell on the ground,” alleged the witnesses.

It is said that a faction of boys who witnessed the attack then shouted at Mavuso who subsequently fled the scene. A chase ensued.
“He ran towards another child who was busy sourcing water from a borehole and attempted to stab him,” said a witness.

It is said that the situation was saved by the arrival of the faction of boys who rounded him up in an attempt to arrest him.
It was gathered that a scuffle that lasted more than 30 minutes ensued and more residents joined the fight.
Mavuso was finally captured and tied. Police were then called to the scene and he was arrested.
Police Public Relations Officer Superintendent Vusi Masuku said Mavuso was charged with murder.

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