Home | News | Bhunya socialite dies after 15 stab wounds

Bhunya socialite dies after 15 stab wounds

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KALUHLEKO – The death of 56-year old Titus Mabuza through 15 stab wounds will undoubtedly hit hard on his six children and wife.

Mabuza, who was a well-known figure in his community of KaLuhleko near Bhunya was employed by a wood company for over two years and was also a part-time mechanic at home.

He was stabbed by an unknown person at Dambati, which is few metres from Ka- Luhleko. This happened last weekend on his way home from work at around 7:30pm.

When the Swazi News visited the deceased’s homestead earlier in the week, his eldest son, Sibusiso Mabuza, spoke sorrowfully on how the death of his father would have a huge impact to his family.


"We are a big family and no one except for my father was employed. Two of my sisters are still at school. Where do I start to explain to my young sisters about his sudden disappearance? This is just devastating and we do not know the motive behind my father’s killing.

"Who will now look after our welfare? He also had his own garage and the cars you see around belonged to him. People always came to ask for his services," he said.

"We learnt with shock when a neighbour related the sad news to us after coming across my father’s corpse. He was a well-known person in the area, and had no enemies that would go as far as causing such brutality. When he met his death, he was from visiting one of his sisters.

"Although Dambati is associated as a drinking shebeen area, my father was not from drinking. Maybe his attackers were as he was found without his cellphone and wallet. We are saddened by his demise and trust that the police will find the killers," he added.

Unconfirmed reports have linked the incident to a man of Mozambican nationality, who is employed at the same work place as that of the deceased.

One resident, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said; "We condemn such brutality and the killer is not from the area."

Police Public Relations Officer Vusi Masuku confirmed the incident.

The deceased was a fond member of the local Umbholoho group, Sibane Semaswati. He will be buried tomorrow at Ka Luhleko.

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