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I am having visions of King Sobhuza II'

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MBABANE — It is rare to have visions of a great leader, but for Joy Ndwandwe, King Sobhuza II has appeared twice in her sleep and this inspired her to write a book on him.

Ndwandwe who is also known as Prophet LaNdwa-ndwe has finally completed what she calls ‘the reason she was brought to this earth’.

If all goes according to plan Ndwandwe will launch her book ‘Akusiko Kwami Kwebantfu, Unearthing King Sobhuza II Philosophy’ on April 25 which is the National Flag Day and befittingly so at the King Sobhuza II Memorial Park.


Interviewed this week, Ndwandwe said she had two visions of the late king in 2005 and during the first the king was standing and smiling at her.

"The second time he waved at me whilst carrying a book and he was dressed in a maroon lihiya," she said.

She said it was after the second vision in late 2005 that she decided to embark on this project as she felt the king had spoken to her.

Ndwandwe said she chose the title, which can be loosely translated to, ‘It is not mine but for the people" because that is what the late king preached throughout his life.

She said she has researched on articles that date as far back as 1960, the works of Hilda Cooper and had spoken to people such said AK Hlophe, Prince Masitsela, Fonono Dube and Prince Mabandla, amongst others.


"It has been a lot of work and this project has left me completely broke, but through determination and the support I have received from my family and friends, I have completed my masterpiece," said Ndwandwe.

She said the book has 500 pages and will cost E350 and was currently under print and design with her publishers Skotaville Media now known as Umgangatho.

This is Ndwandwe’s third book as her first was called Releasing Monkeys and Spirit of Kwandza.

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