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SD, Moz to work together

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MATSAPHA – In a move to improve sports in the country, Swaziland will work closely with Mozambique.

The two countries are on the verge of signing a bilaterial agreement of cooperation in sports.

This was announced by the Minister of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs Hlobisile Ndlovu. She said the countries would work together towards sport development as they were currently at the same standard. She said the bid to help the local sport fraternity had already been approved by Cabinet.

"This move will see both countries benefiting a lot in terms of sport development. The local government is trying by all means to improve sports in the country and by being partners with Mozambique, our athletes will benefit a lot," she said.

She said the two countries would compete in different sporting activities throughout the year. "Athletes easily get used to each other and end up not giving each other the much needed competition. The competitions to be held by the two countries will help improve the standard," she said.

Ndlovu then urged all stakeholders to work hand in hand to achieve the goal of improving sports in the country.

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