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Gundvwini High school has the cream

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Mr Editor allow me to tell the whole country about the growing cream of the country at Gundvwini High School.

Ladies and gentlemen, can I just give you a vivid picture of these pupils?


They are very intelligent and have huge potential.

There is fulltime co-operation between them and their teachers.

This school educates young people not only intellectually, but also in understanding the nature and structure of conflict in the process of thinking.


It examines the limitations of knowledge, and the difference between technological (or scientific) thinking and psychological thinking aimed at bringing about change in behaviour.

Our school has its challenge; the bringing about of enquiry into the roots of our disorder, understanding the place of the intellectual capacity in creating a world free of conflict.

Can I ask, are other schools conditioning children through a system of rewards and punishments to compete against each other?


Are schools imposing a pecking order that produces leaders or followers?

When they compare one child to another or when they condition a child to emulate heroic images in order to make him conform, to be ‘good’, are they not creating a divided child—one who will be at war with himself (or herself) psychologically?


When they condition a child by asking him to indisputably pledge allegiance to a flag, a symbol representing a political fragment, are they not destroying that child’s intelligence and adding more conflict in relationship?

Could young men, right out of high school, have gone to war and killed men, women and children if they had not been indoctrinated by political conditioning?


Is what we call ‘socialisation’ in our schools merely a form of propaganda that conditions other children to act individually, nationally and aggressively towards the rest of humanity?

The intention of Gundvwini High is to question the conventional process by which they rear and educate children so that they can begin to understand how education contributes to creating conflict in relationship.

This school also examines the psychological structure of the conditioned mind, a mind educated to live life according to idealistic patterns of behaviour established by society and reinforced through the numerous social and educational situations created out of this conditioning.

Thanks mainly to our deputy and Maziya. If anyone is not clear about this message e-mail your comment to: nathinkhabanhle@ovi.com

Nkosinathi Mkhatjwa

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