Home | News | Police identify bogus cop' who robbed MP

Police identify bogus cop' who robbed MP

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MBABANE – Following the robbing of Hosea Member of Parliament, Mduduzi Mabuza, police are looking for a man from Mafutseni in Mahlabane.

Magimba Vilane, who is estimated to be about 36 years old, is wanted by the police in connection with robbery and impersonating a police officer.

MP Mabuza was robbed of E43 000 at Matsapha near Sibayeni Lodge last Friday by two men who pretended to be police officers from Sigodvweni police post.

The MP explained that he was tricked after he received a call from an unrecognised woman who claimed she was his client and wanted to give him buyers who claimed to be opening a hardware store in Mozambique and wanted the MP to be their supplier.

The MP said in Matsapha he withdrew E40 000 from the bank with the intention of paying some of his suppliers but was approached and attacked by two men who claimed to be police officers.

They are said to have robbed the MP of E43 000, before disappearing into the bushes.

According to police deputy PRO Superintendent Wendy Hleta, Vilane is wanted for the robbery.

"He is wanted in connection with a case of impersonating the police and theft of E43 000 in cash from a motor vehicle at Mhlane on August 5," she said.

She said those with information should call 999/9999 or 5187111.

"Information will be treated with confidentiality," she said.

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