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This is why we chose Tinkhundla

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I strongly feel it is once again imperative to give the full analysis of the background of political information why Swaziland opted for no political party system of governance in or at the 1974 national consultative commission which was appointed by King Sobhuza II, to investigate and find out from the nation how Swaziland could revert to a Parliament democracy again.

The information will not begin from as far back as early 1960. It goes as follows:-

1. Swaziland obtained her political freedom in 1968, yet other countries had obtained theirs as early as 1950s.

2. From 1968 to 1973 Swaziland had experienced coup de tats and assassinations of those countries’ heads of state.

3. It became obvious that the partism system had no provision of promoting peace and national unity. It is very clear also that once a country accepts multi partism, means the official declaration of national division.

4. Whenever His Majesty King Sobhuza II addressed the nation at the royal cattle byre, he used to advise the nation that it must always be careful that it is pushed into the crocodiles infested river by some demagogues. With me, a political party system of governance is not less than a crocodile infested river, needs to be discreet indeed.

5. Let me relate a story of a ghost believed to be for a man who was killed by the crocodiles. That ghost saw a person wanting to also cross. I shouted, ‘please do cross, I also crossed there’. When this person tried to find the source of the voice, could not see anyone. (Ghost is the spirit of a dead person that a living person believes they can see or hear).

6. Therefore going into partism democracy cannot be through bombing, but through the approved international democratic process which is referendum. The nation must reject consensus arrangement as if it does not in most cases represent the national interest. The referendum would provide an opportunity to the nation of assessing whether crocodiles are there or not. But by look of the things, bombing etc. are systems that we are heading for a crocodile infested river.

7. HRH Prince Masitsela is promoting the round table talks. I regard his suggestion as a commendable one but with some reservation. The reasons are that we know and progressives have made it clear that they are representing the nation and that the nation does not:-

a) wants Tinkhundla system of governance and it wants political parties.

b) wants executive powers invested into the king instead want the king to be a constitutional monarch.

c) wants the present constitution allegedly because it was not people driven.

8. Some deny that the nation does not want the Tinkhundla system because it promotes economic development, national unity and political tranquillity/co-existence/peace. The system also empowers the populace to freely choose their MPs.

9. We feel the country’s executive powers are at the right place. Because if the executive powers were to be equally or evenly distributed to the Swazis, the country would be totally ungovernable. In Lesotho during the Premiership of Jonathan, King Moshoeshoe II since he had no executive powers was ordered by Jonathan (King) to go to exile for years.

10. USA constitution was drafted by four males with effect from 1775 to 1787 i.e. 12 years and was approved by 55 people, whereas ours went firstly at the Tinkhundla centres, later to the chiefdoms for one to one interview or submission.


Would any sensible person say people’s views collected could be regarded not people driven?

Finally I must advise the nation to ignore the talks and go for a referendum. Talking to people who refused to participate in constitutional dispensation and later claim it is people driven, I regard such claim as nonsense.

To prove that the so called progressive undermine everybody, I was surprised when reading from one of the newspapers that the progressives have divorced the NNLC, claiming that it is a sellout speaking as though the NNLC’s strength depend upon them.

Maybe the NNLC is not one of the crocodile infested rivers, yes there are some areas of political interest where we have agreed to disagree with one another.

The area is mainly constitutional monarch, ngingayembula kubani ingubo uma Inkhosi ite emandla? I admonish the progressives that pride goes before a fall.

COPE, because undermining Zuma was formed with the hope that the ANC would suffer, disregarding the 27 years of Mandela languishing in Robin Island. They just quitted, and today it is them fighting one another for power.

May I humbly request the Swazi nation to continue behaving like bees.


That's the way I also see it
July 12, 2010, 1:46 pm, mokolo (ssivemzwandile@yahoo.com)

Uyishaye enhloko mntfwanagogo, thats the truth... labafana bemaparty badlala ngatsi nje, nabo bafuna i-power, mine ngitsi abayicele kahle lepower not placing the whole nation in danger...
July 12, 2010, 3:03 pm, Patience

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