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Man who allegedly had sex with dog appears in court

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MANZINI- Peter Mdluli, the man who last week pleaded guilty to having sex with a dog, will have to wait till July 12, 2010 in order to know his fate.

Yesterday, Magistrate Phathaphatha Mdluli told Peter, who had appeared at the Sigodvweni circuit court, that he was not yet ready with the sentence and that he would have to wait a little longer for his sentence.

He warned him to appear in court on July 12, 2010.

The accused had come to court accompanied by Kwaluseni Member of Parliament Mabhanisi Dlamini.

His appearance was brief as he immediately exited the court building and left with three other people who had accompanied him.


The man promised to give an interview after the case and clear his name from the events that have transpired in his life.

Meanwhile, the magistrate also lashed out at the Swazi Observer for what the magistrate called a deliberate misleading article that appeared in the paper last week about boxer Simanga Shiba allegedly being sentenced to five years or E5 000 fine for drink-driving.

The magistrate asked the Observer reporter, Lindelwa Malinga, to stand up and explain why she had misled the nation.

However, the journalist said she was not the one who had written the story.

The magistrate then told Malinga that she was lucky because she would have sent her to prison for a single day so that the reporter could learn a lesson.

He then advised the reporter to ask for court files in order to learn to report about the things that happen inside court.


How does this man think nje kahle kahle, fine we know that you cannot be guilty till proven beyond reasonable doubt by a court of law, kodvwa siyati nje kutsi bebangeke bamane bamsukele. Our morals as a nation have really degraded, people are sick. Maybe vele 2012 is the end of the world. Lord have mercy..
June 30, 2010, 10:21 am, Mya

If Mr Mdluli did commit the offence of bestiality as alleged I suggest that he be examined by a medical practitioner to determined if he was sane at the time of commiting the offence. bekangeke - ke bo mdluli ente intfo lenje aphila. ngiyamesaba sathane nemadimoni akhe wate walihlaza lelijaha.
June 30, 2010, 1:23 pm, innes

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