Home | Sports | Mayiwane MP questions Shukuma MC on Lobamba matter

Mayiwane MP questions Shukuma MC on Lobamba matter

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MBABANE – Mayiwane Member of Parliament David Shongwe has accused the management committee of Shukuma Tinkhundla Under-20 tournament of having double standards.

Shongwe reacting on the latest decision by the committee to send the Lobamba team to Mbombela to watch the World Cup game between Chile and Honduras last week Wednesday.

He wondered how they could send the team when there is a pending disciplinary committee matter that also involves his team. He said his team has a stake in the whole matter, because they are competing for the top spot in the region with Lobamba, a matter that is expected to be heard by the two-member DC on Wednesday.

He said pending the DC hearing, the MC should not have sent any team from the Hhohho region because that is tantamount to prejudice.

He alleged that the MC took the decision behind their backs to avoid being confronted with the truth. "We are surprised that there is even such a thing. We are not aware that a representative from the Hhohho region went to South Africa by virtue of being a semi-finalist. We will seek clarity from the FA and the MC," he said.

Shongwe said nothing was ever communicated to them after their game was called off.

He said he believes his constituency is supposed to be the right representatives of the region because their game was interrupted by Lobamba who invaded the field of play.

Shongwe further mentioned that they are still waiting for the MC to call them for a disciplinary hearing any time from now.

"I received a call from Ace Soboza last week and we agreed that as per the rules of the game they should write to us 48 hours before to inform us of the DC date. We are still waiting for them to call us so now we are surprised that they decided the matter behind our back," he said.

Shongwe said the actions of the MC are a clear indication that they have taken sides in the matter. He mentioned that this has already jeopardised the DC hearing and it shows that they have already lost the case.

He lamented the fact that they still do not know the reason the game was called off nor the charges are they facing.

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