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Corruption is the key to success in SD

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Swaziland as small as it is, is failing to give out jobs to its people, what it does is talking of creating, without following this up.

I must point it out that at the moment, there is no one who can deny that our Constitution proves to be one of the best in the world when reading it. However, this proves to be meaningless if all that is written in it is not practiced in our country.

I don’t think that Swaziland is right to say ‘education is the key to success, since corruption has since taken over; that even those with the highest certificates, these days, are no different from those who have none. Most of our children will start perceiving education negatively, because they no longer see its impact, if for one to be hired in Swaziland, now needs him or her to produce money or a cow in return.


I am a Swazi who is even more confused as to what kind of people work for the Teaching Service Commission (TSC) and those at the Civil Service Commission. If working for our government makes one to forget that an old person is and will stay old every day. One Swazi can come all the way from Lavumisa only to be told that there is still no post in a harsh manner and return to Lavumisa without any hope.

The CSC is worse; it is like there is always no post but the staff is always increasing in different institutions.


There are institutions which we last saw advertising posts in 2006, so you wonder whether that institution needs new minds to take it to greater heights? Institutions such as the Swaziland Broadcasting and Information Services (SBIS) seem to be okay with the people they hired a long time ago. 

As a country we cannot stop the brain drain since we have nothing to stop our people from being taken through job promises, because if there is no job in your country why don’t you take chances in other countries? But the truth is, with the practice of corruption as it is today, it has now become like part of our cultural events in a manner that even those who try to combat it are also in it!

Our economy will never improve if we continue train people in colleges and make them sit with their qualifications while hiring those who are our sisters, cousins and nephews. For Swaziland to rise up let us practice what we preach, using the educational tools to combat corruption.


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