Home | News | E50 000 cash, E15m surety for Qhawe's bail

E50 000 cash, E15m surety for Qhawe's bail

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MBABANE- Channel S Director, Qhawe Mamba was yesterday granted bail by High Court Judge Bheki Maphalala.

Mamba was handed bail of paying E50 000 cash and provide surety to the amount of E15 million after he was arrested and charged for fraud in connection to allegedly operating the Channel S Club.

During his appearance before the court, he was represented by lawyer Noel Mabuza. The crown was represented by Advocate Francois Joubert S.C. from Cape Town.

Initially Joubert stated that as the crown, the bail application was not opposed but had to be fixed at a sum of E8m. Mabuza responded by pleading with the court that his client only had E50 000. Judge Maphalala informed both counsels that they should agree on one figure for the bail and the matter was adjourned as they consulted.

When the matter resumed after about 30 minutes, the court was presented with a Cognizance Form from which a consent order fixed the bail at E50 000 cash and E15 million which had to be provided as surety.

Under the bail conditions, Mamba has to surrender his travel document to the Royal Swaziland Police Headquarters and has to report there every Friday. He is also not expected to interfere with crown witnesses and has to avail himself before court whenever his case is called.

Meanwhile operations at the station continued as normal and employees were mum on the latest developments.


To Qhawe my brother, take all the positives from what is happenning now. The axes of evil may think that they have crushed you. They may take everything but you still have yourself to rise above all this! They want to crush you at any cost not all cost. In this world there are no permanent friends and enemies. When one door closes another one opens. Stand up my brother and be the man that you want to be not what society wants you to be. .
June 3, 2010, 5:07 pm, Velaphi Dlamini (d.velaphi@yahoo.com)

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