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Drama at Edgar Hillary's wedding

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MBABANE – There was mini-drama yesterday at the Mbabane Regional Offices formerly known as DC when former police Commissioner now senator, Edgar Hillary attacked a student journalist, Banele Thwala who had gone to cover his wedding.

Relating his ordeal to Swazi News yesterday, Thwala said Hillary hurled insults at him during his wedding at the DC offices and further issued threats. Some of the words he used will not be published because of their offensive nature.

“People who had gone to the government offices for their respective private businesses were treated to a spectacle that left them perplexed on what I might have done. They were shocked when I bolted out of the offices carrying my camera,” said Thwala who is attached as a student to this publication.

Thwala said he had entered the office before the bridal party and Hillary. To the dismay of everyone that was getting ready to witness what some had described as a wedding of the week, Hilary stormed the offices and came charging at him and ordered him to leave the hall.
Sensing danger and fearing for his life he fled the scene and hid outside.
 Hillary is believed to be in his late 60’s while his wife could be in her 30’s. Efforts to get her name and surname were not successful.

“Immediately when Hillary entered the hall he came charging at me and shouted at me saying ‘What do you want here you bi…? Get out! What do you want here?’ It was at this stage that everyone was baying for my blood. I managed to sneak out and fled. I waited outside to capture the couple as they came out. I was already trembling at this stage such that I forgot to take photos of the wife when she came out,” added Thwala.

 “While outside I then heard a car speeding off and when I went to investigate I saw the former police chief jumping into a light-blue sedan and sped off and drove towards the Mbabane Police Station direction,” he said.
Swazi News learnt that the wedding was supposed to be top secret as only close friends and family members attended. Hillary arrived at around 11:30am clad in a black suite with a white shirt and matching black stripped neck tie.

After waiting for a few minutes it transpired that the former police chief had used the back door to leave the offices as to avoid Swazi News cameras.
When called later in the day, Hillary denied that he got married but investigations by this newspaper uncovered that Bernard Gumedze officiated the wedding.

“No it was not me that got married! I was not there! You must have seen another person! It was not me!” And he hung up when he was given a breakdown of how things unfolded inside the office where the wedding was held.
On a visit to the DC offices a certain Mrs Shiba was found busy with the file of the newly weds and when asked if Swazi News could have a glimpse of the particulars of the couple she refused.

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