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Zero chance for Sihlangu - coaches

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MBABANE – With Sihlangu preparations rocked by ill-discipline and players not released from work, local coaches believe the nation’s pride has zero chance against Zimbabwe’s Warriors on Sunday.

Sihlangu will be playing the first leg of the African Nations Championships (CHAN) at Somhlolo National Stadium but the preparations have not been up to scratch.
Some coaches were interviewed on the current situation. From what they said, it all looks bleak for Sihlangu as it would seem a win would be a miracle.

“It’s very worrying if players lack the morale to be in the national team. I believe with the latest events we’ve had reported in the media, there’s no way we can beat the Zimbabweans. True. We’ll go there to watch but it’s going to take a miracle to win the game.

“One fails to understand what’s happening there. Are the players lacking motivation of some sort? Perhaps the FA also has to come out clear about the call-ups and the disciplinary code of conduct. These players could be saying they’re not happy to be there maybe we need to have exciting incentives in place,” Hub Sundowns coach Dumisa ‘Dodge’ Mahlalela said.


While Dodge feels the nation also needs to have some incentives in place to motivate the players, National First Division League and SwaziBank Cup semi finalists Hellenic coach Zweli ‘Botsotso’ Khoza had a different opinion.

“I don’t know why the players are like this but maybe it’s because the FA has let the rot go on for a long time. The players have misbehaved every time and went unpunished. Now they’re punished but it’s been long overdue, if it happened way back, every player would know what the national team call-up and jersey means.

“Being in the national team now is a big advantage especially with Shakes in charge as he has influence in South Africa so if a player is good enough, he would easily connect him to the SA teams and many scouts watch national teams. Our players are letting the country and themselves down. As is, we’re going to participate in the CHAN tournament not to compete, a miracle would see us win,” he said.

Manzini Wanderers’ coach Nyanga ‘Crooks’ Hlophe who has coached the national team before said he could only feel sorry for coach Ephraim ‘Shakes’ Mashaba.
The soft-spoken mentor said at this stage, being coach at Sihlangu was like being a sacrificial lamb.
“A lot isn’t right in our national team and it’s plain to see. What do you do as a coach when the players aren’t serious about anything regarding Sihlangu?

We expect results all the time but forget that we don’t have willing players for that. Right now, winning is out on Sunday but if we do, it’d be a bonus,” he said.
He also said when the National Football Association of Swazi-land (NFAS) hired ‘Shakes’, he should have started from scratch and be given all the necessary support.

“Even these punish-ments we now see the FA meting out aren’t enough because it happened too late. You suspend players with two weeks remaining and then recall them with a week left before the game then it’s not helping us. This should have been something that was started years ago,” he said.


Moneni Pirates coach Mlamuli ‘Sputla’ Zwane wondered if the coach ‘Shakes’ picks his own team. He said he doubted if there is any planning involved
“It’s really tough to talk about the national team unless we can have a soccer indaba where we can try to find a way forward. One can also think the teams are to blame for the ill-discipline by players because they don’t have clear code of conduct that prepares players for national call-ups,” he said.

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