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You have 22 days to declare your assets

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MBABANE — Persons holding public office have only 22 days left to declare their assets to the Integrity Commis-sion.

The announcement was made by Chairman of the Integrity Commission David Matse yesterday.

Matse said all officers who held positions described in Section 241(2) of the constitution were expected to make a written declaration of all property, assets owned by or any benefit gained or liabilities owed by the holder of that office, whether directly or indirectly. 

The exact deadline according to Matse is March 11 2010.
Matse made these remarks at the deputy prime minister’s offices where the former declared his assets and liabilities to the commission.

Matse said by the beginning of next week, everything would be in order for the public office holders to start declaring their assets and liabilities.
Matse said the written declarations would be kept in a safe and they were presently awaiting delivery of a bigger safe that is expected at the beginning of next week.

The constitution states within six months after the commencement of the Integrity Commission, and at the end of every two years and the end of term in office, all officers were expected to declare their assets.
Matse said officers who did not comply with the constitution would be dealt with after the due process of law and the punishment could be as severe as dismissal or removal from office by such breach or abuse.

The constitution further states any property or assets acquired by an officer after the initial declaration which is not reasonably attributable to their income, government loan, inheritance or any other legitimate source shall be deemed to have been acquired in contravention of the Leadership Code of Conduct un less duly declared.

“An allegation that an officer referred to in this section has contravened or has not complied with a provision shall be made to the Integrity Commission which shall, unless the person concerned makes a written admission of the contravention or non compliance, cause the matter to be investigated,” it reads.

Other members of the Integrity Commission who were present were Reverend Grace Masilela, Princess Sidvumolesihle and Chief Mawandla Gamedze.

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