Home | News | MP Jennifer in nasty car crash

MP Jennifer in nasty car crash

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NDLALAMPHI – Timpisini Member of Parliament Jennifer Du Pont was yesterday involved in a nasty car accident that left three people she was travelling with seriously injured.

The accident happened at around 2pm near Ndlalamphi Primary School. The MP was on her way home when her black Isuzu bakkie collided with a Toyota van that was being driven by a retired soldier, Mdalangwane Dlamini.
This was a day after police arrested a resident suspected to have been plotting to kill the MP.

According to Du Pont, the driver of the Toyota, who is also from Ludzibini, swerved from his lane in a bid to make a turn as he was approaching a T-junction leading to his homestead.
 “I tried to flick on the lights to signal that I was approaching but he froze when he entered my lane and I eventually collided with his car,” explained the MP who had injuries in her mouth.

It was gathered that Du Pont was with three other people, who are the Bucopho of Mvembili, Mashobeni and Hhohho.
One of the badly injured was Makhelekehlane Mathunjwa, who is the Bucopho of Hhohho. He sustained serious injuries on the chest and he was admitted to the Mkhuzweni Clinic.

Meanwhile, Paris Dlamini, Mvembili Bucopho and Nelson Mavuso sustained minor injuries.
At the scene of the accident yesterday, residents were found sympathising with the MP while police took some statements.
One of the women said, “itolo loku bebafuna kumbulala namuhla sewutfola ingoti kantsi kwentekani” which can be loosely translated as ‘Yesterday they wanted to kill the MP and now she is involved in a car accident, what is happening?’

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Should taxpayers keep payiong water and electricity bills for police?