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Drama as lesbian nabbed for rape'

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MHLALENI – Two-year-old *Andiswa Hlophe has rash in her private parts and is secreting a smelly discharge.

She has been to the Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital (RFM) in Manzini where she was treated but according to her mother, the infection is not showing any sign of yielding to the medication she was given at the hospital.

Andiswa was allegedly molested by a lesbian neighbour who often acts as her minder and guardian when her parents are at work. Yesterday, Manzini police pounced on Sonto Dlamini* who was accused of molesting the toddler. With excited members of the public watching, Sonto admitted that she was a lesbian and said had both male and female private parts.

People with such conditions are known as hermaphrodites. When she was interrogated by police yesterday, she admitted to have molested the child but was temporarily let off the hook by the police.
“I want you to report to the police station on Monday morning,” said an officer before releasing her.

This happened at Mhlaleni. Even though her mother was disappointed that police failed to arrest Sonto she said: “I will make sure that my child gets proper justice. On Monday I am going to the police station to make sure she is arrested.”
Interviewed by this newspaper, the suspect admitted to have sometimes looked after the child but changed her tune, saying she had not molested the child.

“I love children and I would never do that,” she said. Explaining her case, she said she was not a lesbian by choice but was conditioned by her body. She said her private parts would never enable her to rape anyone.
“I have a small penis which is not functional and I have fully developed female private parts,” she said. She also said she was currently in a relationship with a partner she refused to release any information about.
Physically, she has both male and female features. She has a beard but when the drama unfolded, she was cleanly shaven.

She said she was saddened that she was being accused of raping a minor, more so because she was in a loving relationship where she enjoyed sex with her partner.
When asked why she admitted to the police that she had molested the toddler, she said the police were threatening and pestering her.

“I wanted to have a platform where I could prove that I cannot possibly have sex with anyone, especially children because I do not have a penis. So I was trying to cut a long story short,” she said.
Senior Superintendent Vusi Masuku, Police PRO, said the Manzini Domestic Violence and Sexual Offences Unit was investigating the matter. He said there were also allegations that the suspect was bisexual.
*Not their real names

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