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Bennett decries politicians lucrative pay

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EZINDWENDWENI-Businessman Walter Bennett has questi-oned the logic behind the lucrative alowances increment of Cabinet ministers and MPs.

The businessman said he wished to know what difference or improvements the Members of Parliament brought to the electorate to warrant them such an increment.
Recently, government through the Finance Minister Majozi Sithole announced that Cabinet and MPs would soon have their perks increased.

Bennett decried the increase and said it was high time government considered the basic needs of the populace when issues such as salary increments were deliberated.


He said the country was greatly affected by poverty and many people, on a daily basis went to bed on empty stomachs yet a chosen ‘few’ were given salary increments without any justification.

Bennett was speaking during a farewell function of Ezindwendweni High School retiring Principal, Samson Dlamini.
He also expressed bewilderment on why the buying of the king’s private jet was rejected by some MPs yet they increased their salaries. He said the issue of pubic funds ought to be taken seriously by those responsible for the handling of tax payers’ money.  
“I wish to know the criterion used to reach the decision for Cabinet ministers and MPs to get salary increments,” said Bennett.

He then accused government of ‘neglecting’ the welfare of teachers yet they worked tirelessly.
“Teachers work under unworkable conditions and even their salary is meagre despite the enormous work they do in terms of educating citizens in the country,” said Bennett.

The former legislator said government should have set priorities which would benefit the entire citizens and called for the equal sharing of resources.
“Uma sidla asidleni sonkhe, uma silamba asilambeni sonkhe” loosely translated “If we eat let us all eat and if we go to bed without food let it apply to everyone,” said Bennett.


He then urged the current Principal, John Hlatshwayo, to implement what his predecessor had started.
He also expressed his disappointment with regards to the absence of officials from the Regional Education Office (REO).

He then donated a cow to the retiring principal and E1 000 to his two wives. He also donated 20 jerseys to the umphakatsi, E500 to the school’s ummiso, E500 to the school choir, E2 500 to the late chief Tsekwane’s wives and E2 500 for the initialisation of the school garden.

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