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No budget for politicians pay increase in 2010/11

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MBABANE – The pay rise for the country’s politicians has not been provided for in the national budget for the 2010/2011 financial year.

The E13 816 108, which came courtesy of Circular No.2, 2009, was suspended by Parliament in December last year after it was felt that it awarded too much money to Cabinet ministers and little to ordinary Members of Parliament.
Should one of four recommendations submitted to Parliament last Friday by the Finance Committee be eventually adopted, the raise will remain suspended indefinitely.

The Finance Committee has recommended that “Parliament resolves that, in view of the unfavourable economic climate and budgetary constraints, the circular should remain suspended indefinitely”.
The Ministry of Finance has also called for the raise to be put on hold so as to demonstrate willingness to cut government costs.
“The figures (for the 2010/2011 financial year) do not include the circular as it has currently been suspended until talks are concluded. It is, however, recommended that this circular be suspended indefinitely in order to demonstrate the need for cost reduction, particularly on wages and salaries, which is said to be amongst the highest as a percentage of total expenditure compared to other countries of similar economic size,” the ministry informed the Finance Committee.


Vice Chairman of the committee, Siphofaneni MP Gundwane Gamedze, yesterday said the country had no money and therefore if politicians continually awarded themselves a hefty raise, they would not be taken seriously.
“If there is no money, then that should apply to all of us and not a chosen few,” MP Gamedze said.
On the other hand, Finance Minister Majozi Sithole said his ministry’s hands were tied regarding the raise.


“Indeed there is no provision in the budget. You will recall that we made provision in the supplementary budget but, through a resolution, the House of Assembly stopped the funds, thus government had to suspend its implementation. Until further instruction we cannot do anything as finance,” Sithole said.

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