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NGWENYA – A podium finish was the last thing on the minds of at least 110 cyclists who took part in the third edition of the annual 100km mass road cycle ride.

Coronation Park in Mbabane was a hive of activity around 7am yesterday as cyclists assembled to embark on the amazing journey to South Africa’s Badplaas in the Mpumalanga Province. Seasoned and enthusiastic riders that include Brickcon 90km Siteki race champion, Joseph Waring and Logico Swazi Frontier winner, Sifiso Mhlanga, could not miss out.

“It’s my second time to take part in the ride and it’s very good. The organisers deserve special mentioning for putting it in place,” said visiting Mozambique’s Vanessa Rosenfeld.

 Organiser and hosting club, Velo` Cycle eSwatini Chairman, Sebbie du Pont, could not maintain a straight face as he appreciated the impressive attendance. “There will be a compulsory stop at the 30km mark for refreshments. We’ve waited for 365 days for the event and it’s on again on November, 1, 2015,” he said.

At least 35 companies have joined hands in the event. The participants were expected to return late yesterday on provided transport as they did not cycle to the starting point. Experienced cyclists assisted the novice riders to complete the distance.

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