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Ndlazi wants Ncube – ‘Tsotsi’

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MBABANE – Manzini Wanderers Managing Director Mduduzi ‘Tso-tsi’ Mabila yesterday clarified that it was coach Kenny Ndlazi who want Zimbabwe-born midfielder Stanford Ncube.

He said as a result, the team was in talks with Ncube’s team Mbabane Swallows over a possible transfer. “It must be clear that as the MD I’m not after Ncube but only facilitating his acquisition as per the coach’s recommendation to have the player at Wanderers,” Mabila said.

Asked why he included him as a Wanderers player on his Facebook status on Saturday, he laughed, downplaying the issue. “Nothing has been concluded yet but we’re negotiating with his team Swallows,” he said.

He said if Ndlazi believes Ncube would add value to the team and help him achieve the results they want as a club then it was his call to facilitate that move. It is understood that the capture of Wonder ‘Samba Jive’ Nhleko by Swallows could see the quick exit of Ncube who had just returned to the team.

He emphasised that no deal was concluded yet as talks were ongoing between the two parties. Ncube, when reached, also confirmed that he had not received any news yet on the move save for a call from Ndlazi who also wanted to know about it. Sources close to the matter have said the deal has been agreed in principle and was set to be concluded this week.

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