Home | Sports | ‘NGUDZE’ ORDERED TO PAY E18 000


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MBABANE – The Small Claims Court has granted an order against Tambankulu Callies Chairman Sithembiso ‘Ngudze’ Mamba.

The newly-established Small Claims Court deals with minor civil claims in a speedy, affordable and simple manner without the services of an attorney.


A man identified as David Kunene has made a claim against the seasoned football administrator, demanding E18 000. The bone of contention, it was established, was a transaction that supposedly went wrong. The amount is said to be in respect of money owed to Kunene for a white Mercedes-Benz he reportedly sold to Mamba back in 2009.


Kunene had alleged that he had tried in vain to recover the money. The court has ordered the defendant (Mamba) to pay the money through instalments of E5 000 per month, with effect from the end of this month until the debt is paid in full.  The order was made in the past week.

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