Home | Sports | EOCGA’S E9M BUDGET FOR 2022


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MBABANE – The Eswatini Commonwealth and Olympics Games Association has an estimate budget of E9 720 873.

These figures were reflected in the estimate budget for the period of October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022 as tabled by the Chief Executive Officer Maxwell Jele in the association’s annual report. A significant fraction of the budget goes towards training programmes lined up for the year. These include athletes’ scholarships world programmes, Olympic Day Run as well as head office projects. The programmes have an estimate bidet of E5 267 429. Jele explained to the members that as much as EOCGA athlete development was their priority, the scholarships were also open to officials who wanted to further their training in various sectors. First in line would be the training of Anti-doping officers.


“A significant potion of the funds has been set aside for the training of 60 anti-doping education officers as the need for compliance at the association level is high. These trainings will be implemented in a staggered manner, with the first batch to be done in March,” Jele said. Revenue mainly from grants is estimated at E4 331 145, while other incomes such as members affiliation fees, other programmes and head office projects are estimated at E695 632.  The total expenditure is expected to reach E9 652 297, leaving a supplies of E1 340 743. Noteworthy is that the total anticipated expenditure is nearly three times compared to last year, while some expenses such as accounting fees were slashed into half, consultation fees are estimated to double up from E48 000 to E100 000.

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: Masta 900
Should govt phase out Masta 900