Home | Sports | ‘WE CAN WIN COVID-19 WAR’


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MBABANE – Eswatini short distance specialist, Phumlile Ndzinisa is a firm believer in that the world can win the COVID-19 war.

Ndzinisa is at the High Performance Centre in Pretoria, South Africa, preparing for upcoming competitions. 

She said keeping a healthy lifestyle can be one way of ‘beating’ the COVID-19 war. 

She also said he availability of the vaccine was good news as it would reduce the casualties of the virus. She stated that with the vaccine in place, this would allow governments to lift partial lockdowns which in turn can see the unbanning of all sporting codes. She also said she was hard at training gearing herself for three upcoming competitions in South Africa. 

The competitions are billed for February 20, 24 and March 3 and the Olympics Games provided she qualify.


What she had to say:


How can people improve their fitness and overall health during lockdown?

“One can improve fitness and health during lockdown by ensuring that they train atleast once a day. A morning jog in the morning can keep the doctor away. I do that here in Pretoria but I do it inside the stadium. I also do aerobics here while listening to my favourite music. One can also do active workouts and also eat maintain a healthy diet. It is advisable to drink more water.”

Do you know anyone who has contracted the virus and what have you done to support them?

“Yes, I know many people who have recovered from COVID-19 and what I can say to those who have recovered from COVID-19 is that they must be strong. However, I can say that for them to recover it was through our support in one way or the other. When a person has contracted the virus we must support her or him by checking on them by calling them and give them a message of hope.

How has the outbreak of the COVID-19 affected your life?

“COVID-19 has affected my life greatly especially in as far as training is concerned. For example it’s like I have wasted my time last year on training but only without competing. I only competed early February and March last year. To make matters worse we were so ready for the Olympics Games which were postponed to this year. I am positive that I will qualify and the games will continue as planned.” 

What message of hope or caution can you give to those infected?

“They must make it a habit to drink warm water with lemon, ginger and garlic in the morning. They should avoid being in populated areas. They should take the prescribed medication and also pray daily to God.”

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