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Emaweni webaba
Silale maweni
Baba kulungile ma kutintando yakho okwenzek’ezimpilweni zethu.
(Kulungile Baba) K­ul­ungile ke Baba e-kul­ungile Somandla,
kulungile ke, Baba. e-kulungile makuyintando yakho
(Kulungile ke Baba) Kulunge konke Somandla. e-kulungile ke Baba. Makuyintando yaKho Baba e-kulungile ke Baba konke okwenzekaya makuyintando yakho Somandla.
Ye kulungile ke Somandla, kulungile ke. Makuyintando yakho Somandla, konke okwenzekayo ezimpilweni zethu kulungile ke.Noma kukubi noma kukuhle kulungile,
kodwa makuyintando yakho,
makuvume wena.
Noma ukholo lwethu belunyakazisa Baba, noma imvungumvungu zifika, kulungile ke.
Kulungile ke Somandla.
Kulungile makuvume Wena.
Kulungile Oh!
(Kulungile ke Baba)
Noma kwenzek’izinto ezibuhlungu ezimpilweni zethu

Sangena Gazi singena umoya wetfu uphukile ushacekile uphansi. We don’t even know where to begin Gazi and what to say to the families, friends and relatives of the police officers who lost their lives on Thursday in the fatal accident. Ngiko Gazi singena with one of our favourite songs, KULUNGILE BABA by the late Sifiso Ncwane.

Sitsi natsi kulungile babe nakuyintando yakho noma kwenzengani nakuvume wena. Sitsi Jehova God, bopha ngelibhande lakho lawo manceba. We will address this later in this piece Gazi. Solo Gazi sisebuhlungwini bale-COVID-19 which has thrown the lives of everyone around the world into a mess. Gazi as the numbers of those who have tested nalakhaya e-Swatini continue to rise sesikubo 100 we want to join government phela in making a passionate plea to stay at home.

Nanatsi Gazi sesihlala etindlini na-Make Uyangichaza wavala spoti sakhe because of le coronavirus. No more sitting kuma-crates sitjubhe lama-750mls e-Castle Lite nale-Castle…..nyalo sinatsa emanti la-warm ekuseni emini nantsambama Gazi. We are always wearing our masks and repeatedly washing our hands with sanitisers. This is our new norm. Siyanicela tu….siyanicela bekunene let’s stay at home and be safe. This is for our own good.

Asesibambise hulumende we-mbumbe kulelohlangotsi bekunene. Talking of kubambisana Gazi phela we have been wondering why this former chairman of one of the most supported teams in the country suddenly left ngesi-speed wangavalelisi Gazi like many others before him. A lot of stories, unsubstantiated started emerging as soon as anyamalala, but ke lama-scorpions e-Shwashwaza went behind the scenes to find the main reason he opted to step down.

What we gathered Gazi was shocking to the marrow. Phela one of the long serving officials irked the club chairman to the core. The official apparently needed a quick loan ya-E200 000. Yes Gazi, not E2 000 or E20 000…we know figures we are not JZ or Donald Trump…sisho E200 000. The chairman failed to understand how the official could ask for this kind of money when he knew how expensive it was to run the club and how much he was spending every month.

This Gazi came at a time when phela he wanted certain clauses kule agreement yabo altered and bebahudvula tinyawo in this regard. Worse ke Gazi was the constant requests for money from other officials, players even some fans lombala. Some of the WhatsApp text messages Gazi were even shocking to say the least. One fan even asked kutsi amtsengele imoto.

The chairman wondered kutsi kantsi yena solenga imali yini or who had too much oodles of cash langati kutsi utowentani. Noma sewungu-Patrice Motsepe wala-Swatini. He was also getting too much pressure lekhaya kutsi akayiyekele lentfo yebhola since he no longer had time ye-family. He opted to leave unceremoniously, leaving the club swimming in a pool of financial challenges labangakhoni nekuphuma kiwo manje since he had raised the standards for the team, paying players handsomely. Nyalo sekuhleli likati tukwa le-hot plate Gazi….klikliklikliklikli………eish unzima lomthwalo Gazi………… 

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