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 MANZINI – Seventeen soccer players were detained after they were found training on Friday.

The males, who were in their youth, were detained by the Manzini police after they were found training at the Salesian Sports Grounds despite the call by government for people to adhere to the partial lockdown.
The soccer players were training and this was against the social distancing standards promoted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Ministry of Health.


Social distancing requires that people stay at least a metre apart from each other.
This is because soccer is a contact sport, which results in the players being in close proximity to each other and also have their body fluids dispersed easily. Worth noting is that the coronavuirus is spread through respiratory droplets produced when a sick person sneezes or coughs. The droplets can land on people’s hands or in mouths and noses, and threaten infection.

In addition to saliva sharing, the WHO said COVID-19 could spread through close personal contact, including touching and shaking hands. Touching something - door handles, phones, remotes - with the virus on it before touching your mouth, nose, or eyes could also lead to transmission if the hands are not washed thoroughly through soap and running water.

Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati confirmed that the players were detained by the police and later released.

She said while they were in police custody, the police educated them on the dangers of their act and how 0it would propel the spread of the coronavirus, which had 1 323 655 confirmed cases and 73 608 deaths by last night. From these, 10 have been confirmed in the country.

Vilakati said the group was released because it did not surpass the stipulated number of people who can congregate, which is 20; however, their act was something the police had warned them against profusely.
Contravening the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Regulations, 2020 carries a maximum fine of E25 000.

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