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Nangu-Jobe ... udlala kamnandi ... Jobe udlala ka-mnandi ...

Sangena Gazi singena on the third weekend ye-Mphala and we know it’s the toughest weekend Gazi since phela nase kutokusa kuba mnyama kakhulu (if you know what we mean) but ke life must go on Gazi.

Tsine ke bafana be-Shwashwaza uyati nawe Gazi sihlala siphetse imali lengagobeki.
Gazi, this weekend sitabe sihleli tukwema crates sidla ema-750mls etfu e-Sibebe sitichaza bese sifumba kwangekhatsi nelipalishi esiswini. Kuvele kuphelele nje.
Gazi leka-Make uyangichaza we have introduced kutsi sale kukhulunywa singisi. Last week Saturday laze lashona phela Msibi agcine ngekutsi “WOW” ngabo 9 ekuseni. Gagagagagaga.

Our plan phela is to help laba labangahambanga libanga lelinganani esikolweni to understand some of the issues we discuss nasesibushayile.
Phela our plan resonates with this well laid plan of the supporters of this top club who felt they once again had to take matters into their own hands last week.
Phela the club was losing games left, right and centre. Kwangabehli kahle.

Like before they once chased away one of the members of the Special Project Committee inside a dressing room leka-Somhlolo and their team won the game in question.
They then took a backseat but ke kwababete ema-results.


Then last week ke Gazi they decided kutsi kuncono ba-contribute esikhwameni imali and go to a trusted service provider to get stuff to help the team win the game.

They told the ‘Special Project’ committee within the team kutsi tintsambo tikibo for this game and they did everything Gazi.
They delivered the results Gazi!

Our sources Gazi have told us kutsi they even advised the team boss kutsi eme ngemali yakhe they will pay for themselves kuma-special projects and he can cater for the rest of the bills of the team. We wonder ke Gazi kutsi is this arrangement sustainable?

Nekutsi nje how long will it last?
But ke the supporters of this top club Gazi abangeni batsi bona bayayitsandza le-club and they will do everything to make sure it wins the next games.
Talk about taking over Gazi! Gagagagagagaga ...

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