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MBABANE – For the umpteenth time, the National Football Association of Swaziland (NFAS) was left with an egg splashed all over its face in the highest court of the land.

Previously, the football mother body lost cases against the late Hhohho FA Chairman, Jackie Mathonsi, former Technical Director Myengwa Sibandze and Vovovo FC in the SwaziBank Cup saga.

The High Court yesterday set aside the FA  Appeals Board decision of slapping National Football Association of Swaziland (NFAS) Vice President Mashumi Shongwe with a one year ban from all football activities.

The ruling will also see Shongwe being reinstated as a nominee in the upcoming NFAS elections where he is vying for the presidency position. The football administrator will be back to head the Shiselweni Regional Football Association (SRFA) where he was elected by the affiliates.

Shongwe wanted the court to set aside, review and/or correct in its entirety the ruling of the FA  Appeals’ Board, which has been cited as first respondents in the matter. The FA is the second respondent.

Shongwe, when justifying the urgency of the matter, cited the recently issued AGM notice by the FA which coincides with the elections which will be held on June 25 at Sibane Hotel, starting at 10am. He said the suspension from all football activities denied him an opportunity to contest for the elections in the event he was being nominated.

In a circular released by the NFAS Secretariat last Friday to affiliates, Shongwe was disqualified in the race for the presidential position on the grounds of the then pending High Court case.
Shongwe was nominated by the Referees Association for the NFAS president position where he is set to clash head-on with current President Adam ‘Bomber’ Mthethwa and former Vice President Timothy Shongwe.

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