Home | Sports | WANDERERS GUILTY, FINED E25 000


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MBABANE – Manzini Wanderers has escaped a maximum fine of E75 000 after being acquitted for two of its four charges.

The hub city giants were charged with four counts, two on Ingwenyama Cup and two on MTN Premier League competitions. In the first count, they were charged for contravening Article 10(3)(c) of the Ingwenyama Cup Rules and Regulations 2016/2017 which occurred on December 12, 2016 at Somhlolo National Stadium. The accused team’s fan assaulted another with a beer bottle.

In the second count, they were charged for contravening Article 10(3) (f) of the Ingwenyama Cup Rules and Regulations 2016/2017 that on the same day, the team failed to control its fan who committed unsporting behaviour.
Both charges totalled to a sum of E20 00, but the red and white ensemble were found guilty and charged E5.500 in the first count. In the second count they were acquitted on grounds that they showed remorse by suspending the fan.

Meanwhile, they were also charged with two counts during MTN league matches.
In the first count, they were charged for contravening Article 7(1) (c) of the MTN Premier League Rules and Regulations 2016/2017 in that on November 27, 2016 at Somhlolo National Stadium, the accused team Manager John ‘Junior Shisa’ Mdluli used abusive language directed to the first assistant referee.

In count two, the Weslians were charged for contravening Article 7(1)(f) of the MTN PLS Rules and Regulations 2016/17 in that on November  27, 2016 at Somhlolo National Stadium, the team failed to control its official who committed unsporting behaviour.

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