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Minister Ntuthuko loses to lawyer

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image Ex-LaMgabhi MP Ntuthuko Dlamini being sworn in after winning in the 2008 election. (File pic)

MBABANE – Minister of Public Works and Transport Ntuthuko Dlamini yesterday lost to a lawyer in the LaMgabhi Primary Elections.

Makhosi Vilakati was the favourite as he amassed 303 votes. Vilakati said he was motivated by the minister to stand for the elections.
“He is the source of my inspiration as he is the one who recommended me at the Royal Swaziland National Airways, where I’m currently a Board Member,” Vilakati said.

He said being recommended by the minister inspired him since it meant that he noticed him as the kind of person who could serve not only the LaMgabhi Constituency, but the nation at large.    
Vilakati, who is an admitted attorney of the High Court of Swaziland, mentioned that his aim was not to just get into Parliament, but to attend to the needs of the people.

“Parliament is mostly concerned with making legislation, and as a law practitioner, I believe that I will be of great value to the constituents of LaMgabhi,” he said.

Vilakati maintained that even though he was expecting to win the elections, he was surprised when he was announced as the winner.
The aspiring Member of Parliament further mentioned that he believes he was voted for mostly by the youth as he is well-known to them. He then maintained that he will look closely to unemployment, which was perpetuated by the closure of Sappi Usuthu.

Vilakati clarified that he will not open Sappi Usuthu, but would try to address unemployment at LaMgabhi for the development of the constituency.
He thanked Chief Mdzimanye II and the residents of LaMgabhi for electing him and finding him worthy of their votes. “I shoulder it upon myself not to disappoint the people of LaMgabhi should I win the Secondary Elections,” Vilakati said.

Even though Minister Ntuthuko was not available for comment, before the results were announced, he mentioned that people thought he had overstayed his welcome in Parliament.
Dlamini had also pointed out that he has a lot of things in his mind that he was going to pursue and that he was expecting any outcome from the results.


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