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MBABANE - “I heard the sound of a clap before I rushed to the deputy head teacher’s office.”

This was the evidence of Motshane Primary School teacher Mbhasobhi Dludlu when testifying against Goodness Xaba. 

Xaba is the deputy head teacher who is accused of assaulting the Head teacher, Lungile Shongwe, while at the school last year.  Dludlu told the court that upon entry to the office, he found Shongwe lying on a stack of cardboards facing upwards with her clothes pulled up.

According to Dludlu, Shongwe was lying about 1.5 metres adjacent to Xaba’s desk. He alleged that Xaba was standing in front of Shongwe. During that time, Dludlu alleged that the duo was having a heated argument. “Shongwe was asking Xaba why she assaulted her. Xaba on the other hand told Shongwe to vacate her office,” the teacher said.  

During cross-examination Leo Dlamini, who is representing Xaba in the matter, asked Dludlu if he confirmed that it was inded Shongwe inside Xaba’s office. 

Dlamini further asked Dludlu if by so saying he meant Shongwe went to Xaba’s office prior to the alleged assault incident. In response, Dludlu confirmed that he found Shongwe inside Xaba’s office. He also confirmed that Shongwe went into Xaba’s office. 

Dlamini went on to put it to Dludlu that Shongwe went straight to Xaba’s chair and poked her on the forehead. “I don’t know if Shongwe went to Xaba’s chair because that was not where I found her when I entered the office,” responded Dludlu. 

The lawyer put it to Dludlu that logic dictated that Shongwe attacked Xaba because she was the one who went to the accused person’s office. However, Dludlu told the court he could not confirm that because he did not witness it. “Xaba will tell this court that she was attacked and further provoked by Shongwe while in her office,” Dlamini submitted. 

In response, Dludlu told the court that he could not confirm the attack and provocation because he never witnessed it.  The teacher maintained that his testimony would be based on what he witnessed on the day in question.  He further submitted that he could not confirm whether Xaba retaliated immediately after she was allegedly provoked and attacked because the alleged incidents never happened in his presence.

Dlamini submitted that his client did not intend to assault Shongwe but she found herself acting on the provocation and attack. The matter was postponed to January 19, 2021 for continuation. 

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