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LOBAMBA -– Where is the forensic audit? 

A motion calling for the minister of Finance to, as a matter of urgency, ensure that the forensic audit of the ICC FISH Project commences in 45 days was withdrawn at the House of Assembly yesterday.

According to the Order Paper, a motion without notice was to be moved by Matsanjeni North MP and Deputy Speaker Phila Buthelezi. 

He was to be seconded by Dvokodvweni MP Mduduzi Magagula. 


“Further to that, the Tender Board should be barred from awarding new tenders in relation to this project until such time that the minister tables a detailed report on the project, including the circumstances under which the KISS joint venture was terminated. 

“This should be done once the court proceedings are finalised,” reads part of the motion. 

During yesterday’s sitting, MPs spent the better part of the day working on Bills. 

By the time the House was adjourned, the motion had not been moved. When the time came for Buthelezi to motivate, Speaker Petros Mavimbela informed the House that it could not proceed as the minister was not in attendance. 

Buthelezi then stood up to inform the House that he had consulted with the Attorney General, Sifiso Mashampu Khumalo that there were certain aspects that needed to be considered before it could be moved.

Buthelezi assured that he would bring it back once he had properly structured it.

As if it was a day to withdraw motions, Kubuta MP Musa Mabuza had to withdraw one where he had moved that the minister of Home Affairs should, within seven days, in view of government’s procurement reform programme table a detailed report on the tender that was issued in 2018 for the development of an integrated e-visa system. 

Before Mabuza could motivate, Lobamba Lomdzala MP Marwick Khumalo stood up on a point of order saying the motion was defective.

“I have looked at it countless times and what I found is that it is supposed to be addressed to the ministry of Finance,” he said.

After his submission, Speaker Mavimbela asked for the AG to clarify.

The AG informed the House that indeed, the motion should be directed to the ministry of Finance since it was the one tasked with handling issues pertaining to tenders and procurement.

Mabuza then withdrew the Bill and promised to correct and bring it back to the House.

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