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We welcome the bold and decisive pronouncements from the King and government yesterday on measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus in the country, which provides some direction for a society that had become anxious over the unrelenting spread of the disease that has infected its way into the country.

At a time like this, the people could not have asked for anything more than sacrificing national celebrations and channelling of funds towards saving lives. The declaration and emergency period should help get government organised so as to do away with the disjointed approach that had played itself out countrywide, causing confusion and igniting unnecessary panic that had the potential of perpetuating a mass infection of COVID-19.

Some of the measures announced yesterday may have harsh effects on business or infringe upon our rights and liberties, but none can compare to the value of a life. Strict adherence to travel restrictions is fundamental to the success of this exercise and should not be compromised. It’s time to put all hands on deck to make the plan work because government alone cannot achieve this enormous task. 


We applaud the business community that has come on board to equip the Health Ministry with essential gear to enable workers to provide the much needed service. Much more is needed. We also thank all the companies and institutions that have adopted preventative measures in the workplace and public places to minimise the possible spread of the virus.

The task now lies in getting every sector of society well-versed with the outbreak, devising a well coordinated plan to implement the strategy and providing all that is necessary, not forgetting water to drought-stricken areas, so that every citizen can play his or her part. As a country, we must learn from the experiences of those countries that were affected long before us. We cannot afford to repeat what they failed to do when they had the opportunity that we have now.

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