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MBABANE – It is anticipated that the country will continue to receive good rains until May.

According to a report released by the Eswatini Meteorological Services, there is a generally increased chance of normal-to-above-normal rains for the last half of the season, from January to March. 

However, temperatures are expected to relatively remain warm during the day with occasional cold episodes.
The report further states that rainfall was expected to be relatively normal throughout the country, with a chance of above normal in most parts. During February, March and April, there will be a chance of normal to above normal rainfall over most areas within the region. Meanwhile, in March, April and May, normal to above normal rains will continue to be received over most parts of the regions.

Farmers have received the news of the good rains very well as they said it meant the continuation of the planting season for them.
In an interview with Absalom Lukhele, who is a farmer, he said despite that it would be a planting season for them, they needed to select the type of crops they would plant as winter season was approaching.

Lukhele said they were affected by winter as they had limitations on the type of crops they were required to plant. However, he said given the opportunity of the good rains, his advice to farmers in the Middleveld going through to the high Middleveld, was that they had a good chance of planting legumes.

Lukhele said the farmers had a choice to delay the planting of legumes until February because if they received above normal rainfall, they would be negatively affected.
Eswatini National Agricultural Union Executive Director Lwazi Mamba said with the rains, it depended on whether one had ploughed because some had already cultivated quick maize crops and with the rains continuing it would destroy their crop.   

Mamba said for those who had delayed cultivation, it was music to their ears to receive more rains for their crops which would grow very well.
“In actual fact, as farmers, we do need the rains and it is also good for livestock farmers as their animals will have enough food,” Mamba said.

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