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MANZINI – Finally, the police have come out to shed light on their stand regarding the topical rape case of a student from the University of Eswatini (UNESWA) which implicates a prince and his friend.

Following the continuous criticism by social media users and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the Royal Eswatini Police Service (REPS) has released a statement responding to the critics.

The statement was issued by Deputy National Commissioner of Police Emmanuel Sula Dlamini on behalf of the Acting National Commissioner (NATCOM), William Dlamini.

He said following the much publicised matter of a reported rape case of a University of Eswatini (UNESWA) student, as a police service, they would like to bring clarity and clear the air on the matter. They said this was because there were misconceptions and innuendoes brewing in the public domain, that the case was being treated with soft gloves by the police. “The correct position is that, the matter is being handled with the urgency and seriousness it deserves,” reads part of the statement.

Furthermore, the service said the police, as per the norm, were dealing with the matter in collaboration with other stakeholders in the criminal justice value chain. “To this end, we assure that whatever loose ends remaining, will soon be tied up and the case referred to the relevant structures,” the statement said.


It is worth noting that recently, members of the public and civil society organisations were making noise about the matter. In fact, they demanded answers on why the prince and his friend, who is also a UNESWA student, were still not arrested following the rape allegations levelled against them.

They did this by visiting the Manzini Police Station commander’s office and further created an online petition, which was addressed to the office of the acting national commissioner of police. The petition called for the immediate arrest of the prince and his friend. By 6pm yesterday, the online petition had been signed by 2 598 people.

Meanwhile, as the story of the alleged rape of the UNESWA student rages on, some recorded voice clips are being circulated related to the case. The clips, which have been circulating for the past three days, contain voices of men who claim to be warriors (emabutfo) and allege to have information regarding the case.
In one of the voice clips, a ‘warrior’ details how the girl allegedly dated a man he has known for quite some time, whom he accused of not being truthful regarding the incident.

The voice clip further alleges that there was some foul play in the matter and that there were certain forces who were pushing it.
Making the two clips unfavourable is that the speakers further identify the alleged rape survivor as they state her name and surname, something which has been frowned upon on various social media circles.
Also frowning upon the act was both the Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse (SWAGAA) and the REPS.


SWAGAA’s Communications and Advocacy Officer Slindele Nxumalo said the organisation condemned such an act, stating that it had the potential of jeopardising the ongoing investigations into the matter.

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