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MBABANE – “It is our wish and prayer that one day his conscience speaks to him that what he did was very wrong,”

These were some of the statements made by the TSC when dismissing a teacher of Lobamba High School after finding him guilty of having an intimate relationship with a 14- year old pupil, who was doing Form I at the school.
TSC is an acronym for Teaching Service Commission.

The lawyer Simanga Mamba-led commission further stated that this was one of the ugliest cases of sexual relationship between a teacher and a pupil.
The commission noted that the pupil was aged 14 years and doing Form I.

“This is disgusting. Such conduct should be met with punishment that will express our displeasure and message to other teachers to desist from such behaviour,” said the commission.
The teacher, Andile Oscar Maseko, was found guilty of contravening Regulation 15(1) and (g) of the Teaching Service Commission of 1983.  On or about November 25, 2017, Maseko had an intimate relationship which the pupil (name withheld). The offence took place at Maseko’s residence in the teacher’s quarters at Lobamba National High School.

“Following your appearance before the commission on a charge of having sexual relationship with a 14-year- old pupil, the commission heard your side of the story and having considered your plea in mitigation, the commission came to the conclusion that; You had sexual intercourse with a minor who was under your care,” reads part of the ruling by the TSC.
In its ruling, the commission stated that it had on numerous occasions expressed its disproval of teacher/pupil relationship by meting out sentences that should serve as a deterrent to other would-be offenders.


The commission pointed out that it would not tolerate sexual immorality of any kind
According to the TSC, the fact that Maseko had sexual relationship with a pupil, he broke the trust between him and his employer.  The commission reminded Maseko that parents had entrusted him with their children and he broke that trust.

Maseko’s dismissal from the teaching service was with effect from May 7, 2018.  He was ordered to vacate the government house he was occupying within seven days.
In her evidence in chief during the hearing, the pupil informed the commission that she knew Maseko early November and they started dating. She narrated that on November 25, 2017, they had an all night prayer at her church.  She went on to state that when they left home they were four.

“At 9:30pm he (Maseko) called and asked if he could come and fetch me and I agreed. He came with a grey Toyota Corrolla. We went to the teacher’s quarters where his house is situated,” said the pupil.
According to the pupil, when they reached the house, they chatted a for while then had sexual intercourse.  She informed the commission that 2:15am, they woke up and she told Maseko that she had to go. Maseko is said to have organised the same car to come and take her back to Mahlanya where the vigil was held.

“When I got there, my aunty and stepmother were looking for me. when they asked me where I had been, I told them I slept in one of the tenants’ houses,” she stated.
She said when they reached home in the morning, her aunt again asked and this time she told her that she went to see Maseko.

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