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MAPHATSINDVUKU – For almost eight years now, a prophetess has been living in the company of a rainbow that is mystifyingly ‘resident’ in her homestead and church.

While a rainbow is known to appear whenever rain has passed, the one at Prophetess BK Dlamini’s homestead and her Getshemane Redemption International Church has nothing to do with rain.
The prophetess believes that this is a message from God, showing His presence in the area of Maphatsindvuku and the Kingdom of Eswatini holistically.

She believes the rainbow is bigger than her and should be handed over to His Majesty King Mswati III since it is meant for him.


“I am ready to relocate from this place as soon as I get that instruction from the King because it is him who should be here, not me and my family. We have even stopped from building any more structures on the premises in anticipation of that instruction,” the prophetess told the Times SUNDAY during an interview on Wednesday.

The rainbow has even been reported to the country’s three Christian mother bodies, namely the League of Churches, Swaziland Conference of Churches and the Council of Swaziland Churches.
According to Prophetess Dlamini, the intention of reporting the rainbow to these bodies is so that they could facilitate the process of taking her to His Majesty the King, to whom she wants to deliver a special message regarding the mystery.

But she feels that her quest to finally get to meet the King is filled with many hurdles, especially from some leaders of the church bodies.
Bishop Steven Masilela, the President of the Swaziland Conference of Churches, said he knew about Prophetess Dlamini but was reluctant to speak much about the mysterious raibow issue.
“I know her and the matter dates some years back. She has been before the conference leadership, but I may not know where the matter is now,” he said.

Masilela said they could not take the prophetess to go and see the King without her having told them what the message meant for the monarch was.


“It would be risky for us to take her to the King without knowing what she is going to say once we get there. What if the King asks us what she wants to say and we give a response that we don’t know the message. What will the King think of us?”

The Bishop said it was also difficult for them to deal with the issue because the prophetess was not their affiliate, yet they dealt with issues that had to do with their members.
Reverend Nicholas Nyawo, who was at the helm of the conference leadership when the matter was brought before the mother body, though coy, also confirmed knowledge of Prophetess Dlamini’s rainbow message for the King.  “I reported this to the King but I cannot say much about this matter, lest I say things I shouldn’t say,” he said.

Nyawo said in any event, Prophetess Dlamini was free to use other means to get an audience with the King if she feels the one of going through the church bodies was not working for her.
Senior members of the royal family are reportedly also aware of the rainbow and have even been to the prophetess’s home and church, which is situated within the homestead, to see it personally.
Relating her journey with the rainbow, the prophetess vividly recalled that on February 5, 2010, while headed for Manzini to preach and upon reaching Hhelehhele, she noted rainbow colours appearing across the red skirt she was wearing.
“I wondered what this was as I had never seen it before, but I ignored it and continued with my journey and never bothered myself afterwards,” she narrated.
She said on the following day, February 6, 2010, she was relaxing on her sofa after preaching during a sermon in her church, when again she noticed the rainbow shining on the wall across her.
“I was really surprised and it hit me that this was exactly what I had seen the previous day. The rainbow was flashing, and I put down the food I was eating and I realised on my own that this was God showing Himself to me. No one interpreted this to me,” the prophetess said.
She said during the following week, while she was doing laundry, and still ignorant of the massive calling upon her,  the rainbow appeared across the sky, amid a bunch of clouds and she heard a voice that said:“I am God, I was present in this country during ancient times and whenever I appeared in the form of a leg, people would fast, cattle would be locked in their kraal and not go out to graze, traditional healers would close their consultation rooms and not treat their clients, babies would not be breastfed but be immersed in river sand and the people would kneel and cry before me because they knew that I had brought with me an important message. I am the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I appeared to King Somhlolo through a vision to warn him about the coming people who would bring with them money and a bible and for him to choose the bible. Today I return to you with a message that you should take to King Mswati III.”
The message that she wants to take to the King remains strictly for the ears of His Majesty.
She said God told her that all that He had said would come to pass and she should just be patient and go and convey the message to the King, then the voice disappeared.

“Then began the long quest to get to see His Majesty and I did not know where to begin. Who was I in the first place? Where do you even begin to seek to see the King?” the prophetess said.
She related that as days went by and as people came to her homestead and church for prayer, a member of the royal family was one of those.
“That member of the royal family, whose name I will not disclose, heard of the message and then reported the same to two Emakhosikati to King Sobhuza II. They (LaZwane and LaMngometulu) quickly acted and came to see me to hear what I had to say. After relating to them what had happened, they shed tears and said they remembered that at Masundvwini Royal Residence, in the presence of King Sobhuza II, a foreign white man came and told them about the same thing.
They said they were shocked that I was telling them exactly what the white man had told King Sobhuza II,” Prophetess Dlamini recalled.
She said she showed the Emakhosikati the rainbow inside the house and they shed even more tears, after which they immediately went to report to the King what they had seen.
“His Majesty issued an instruction that Chief Mgwagwa (Minister of Home Affairs at the time) to delegate cars to fetch me and they were told to inform me to select other preachers, who are not influenced by the love for money, with whom we would go and pray in all the country’s corners (tikhonkhwane) and, after that, to take me to him. That was during the year of the so-called ‘uprising’,” the prophet said.
She said apparently the King told them that after the assignment, she should be brought to him so that preparations could begin for an all-important national prayer, where traditional healers will close their consultation rooms, ‘so we hear what God has to say’.  Prince Simelane was reportedly given the assignment of overseeing this project.
The prophetess said she was, however, then summoned, in the presence of the two Emakhosikati, to appear before church leaders ‘who wanted to see me and they did not hide their surprise at the person they said made the King to act in such a manner’.
She recounted: “They posed strange questions at me, the first being the identity of my parents (batsi ngitalwa ngubani). Where had I received such a message?
They then told me that this thing of mine was being halted. They said if the rainbow is indeed from God, it will continue shining, but it will fade away if it is not. I was dumbfounded. I couldn’t argue with them.
The Emakhosikati expressed their dissatisfaction but we all left with tails behind our legs. That was the end of it.
Later on, the Emakhosikati returned to tell me they had heard the King was angry at them that they had taken me to the church leaders against his instruction.” She said it then happened that the King at Mpumalanga Royal Residence in the Lubombo region and they (her and Getshemane church elders) tried to have an audience with him, which they did and showed him pictures of the rainbow.

“The King was surprised at what he saw and he gave us a date on which to return for a detailed discussion but the he had to go on an international trip and our meeting was cancelled,” said the prophetess.  
She said she later sent a delegation from the church to go to the King to ask that he should send trustworthy men to come and see the rainbow for themselves and then go back to report to him what they had seen.
“Indeed they went there and Khandlela (protocol officer in the King’s office) was instructed to tell them to bring me to him (King). But I told them that I needed a person who is senior in the Lord to view the rainbow first and then go with me to the King to explain what he had seen. God’s instruction is that when an explanation is made to the King about this, it should be without false interpretation,” she stated.
The prophet added: “This is now beyond me and I am calling out for help because the issue of Eswatini being Africa’s pulpit is indeed true. Amazing things, which are a reflection of God’s presence, happen all the time here. These are God’s powers meant for the King.”
 She referred to the bible, in Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 26, 27 and 28 as well as Revelations chapter 4 verse three, which she said she was directed to in relation to the rainbow.
Ezekiel verse 26 - Above the vault over their heads was what looked like a throne of lapis lazuli, and high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man.
Verse 27 - I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him.
Verse 28 - Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking.
Revelations reads:  “And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.”

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