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MBABANE- A strong religious belief has seen a ZCC man dumping the mother of his child after his prophet allegedly prophesied that she was not his rightful partner.

Angel Dlamini, who had been in a two- year-old relationship with Mduduzi Khumalo, alleged that he relayed the prophecy when he returned from Moria where he had attended the church’s service.

Moria is a pilgrimage for all ZCC followers in Limpopo, South Africa. ZCC is an acronym for Zion Christian Church. It is a one of the largest churches which operate with prophets in Africa.

“He told me that his prophet has prophesied that I was not fit to be his wife. He said the prophet had shown him the rightful partner,” said Dlamini.

Dlamini, who met  Khumalo at the ZCC where she had gone for prayer in 2015, said the prophecy never affected their relationship until she fell pregnant.

Dlamini said Khumalo, who had disappeared for some time, resurfaced in 2016 and begged for reconciliation stating that he was prepared to support her and the baby.
“He was driving a new motor vehicle and information gathered was to the effect that his family borrowed him money to purchase the car,” she said.

As life went on, Dlamini said she received news that her lover was arrested for illegal possession of dagga in his car.
She said her lover gained his liberation after his friends who were in his company paid a fine for him.
Dlamini said Khumalo informed her that he had found a good place to sell dagga in Lavumisa before leaving her.

In 2017, Dlamini said her lover purchased a new black Honda Fit motor vehicle, however, it overturned after two months.
She said in the same month, Khumalo called and informed her that he had been arrested for breaking into shops in Manzini. She said during her stay with Khumalo, she observed that he always carried a bag with SIM cards and airtime.

“He always carries E5 packed coins in his bag. He told me that he was using the money for change in his dagga trade. He never gave answers about the other tools which he always kept in his car,” said Dlamini.
Dlamini said she was called by Constable Mdziniso at the Mbabane Police Station after Khumalo had told the police officers that she was a mother to his child.

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