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MBABANE – Speaker Themba Msibi wants his four siblings jailed for 30 days for contempt of court.

He claimed that they (siblings) continued to harass and threaten him despite that there was a court order interdicting them from doing so.
Msibi has since approached the High Court where is among other prayers seeking an order interdicting them from perpetrating acts of violence against him.

The four siblings whom the speaker wants to show cause why they should not be incarcerated are Londwengu Msibi, Nester Koto Gama (nee Msibi), Maguzumbela Msibi and Mafola Msibi.
He is further praying for an order interdicting them from calling a meeting which is slated for April 7, 2018 at his homestead and house at Ngudzeni.

The applicant (Themba) wants the court to direct the police to assist in effecting the court order it issued on October 30, 2009.
Msibi highlighted that the court order of 2009 interdicted the respondents (four siblings) from interfering with any of his properties situated at his homestead at Ngudzeni.

The court order, which was issued by former High Court (now Supreme Court Judge) Jacobus Annandale, also interdicted the four from holding meetings at the speaker’s homestead at Ngudzeni.
The speaker submitted that what necessitated him to again seek legal recourse against the four was because they were allegedly defying the court order.
In his founding affidavit, Msibi stated that on or about January 20, 2017, the four called a meeting which was held at Ngudzeni, his parental home.

He informed the court that the meeting took place in his three-bedroom house which he personally built. 
According to Msibi, the four did this without his consent and in the process defied a court order he obtained on October 30, 2009.

These are allegations contained in an affidavit whose veracity is still to be tested in court and the respondents are yet to file their papers in the event they are opposing the application.
“I submit that the four again called another meeting which was also held in my house and thereby defying the court order,” alleged Msibi.

He went on to alleged that Maguzumbela had permitted his son Mcegane and one elderly man from Magele area,  to reside in his(Themba) house in disregard of the court order.
According to Msibi, Maguzumbela would allegedly from time to time use his house to accommodate his friend, Anthony Khoza and his labourers.

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