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MBABANE – Two years after marriage, a couple will have to start life afresh after their maid burnt down their rented house damaging household items amounting to  E1 183 452.

Initially, when Zenzile Tfwala made her first appearance, she was facing theft and arson charges where she was alleged to have stolen items valued at E54 000 and further set the house on fire and damaged items valued at E177 000.

However, after the completion of the assessment to ascertain the actual cause of the damage, it appeared that the destruction, including the burning of the house, was equivalent to E1 183 452.
 “As a woman, when you start up a new home, you take some time planning and saving but it took Zenzile Tfwala a few minutes to destroy my property.”

This was said by Nishana Maharaj, whose newly-employed  maid allegedly set her house on fire and caused damages valued at the aformentioned amount at Selection Park. She revealed in court that none of the items were insured, which means that she suffered a permanent loss of over E1 million.

Maharaj said this was the first house she had shared with her husband since getting married two years ago.
Narrating her ordeal, she said the family was in South Africa to visit her sickly brother, who was reported to be at the Intensive Care Unit. Maharaj said when she went to SA, she left Tfwala with extra food and E400.

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