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MBABANE –Word coming from Zimbabwe is that President Robert Mugabe undertook an emergency flight in Swaziland to Harare because he fell terribly ill.

He had to be rushed to that country’s capital on the Tuesday evening of August 30, 2016.
Three hours after touching down from Swaziland, he flew to Dubai and later Singapore as his health raised serious concerns, according to reports from Zimbabwe.

The 92-year old president of Zimbabwe had attended a two-day SADC Summit for Heads of State in the country when his condition raised serious health concerns.
SADC stands for Southern African Development Community. He had arrived in Swaziland on August 29, 2016.  The president is said to have arrived in Harare in the evening of that day.

The Summit was due to end on the Wednesday after. SADC is currently being chaired by His Majesty the King.
The King succeeded Ian Khama, the President of Botswana who had taken over from Mugabe in August 2015.

At least nine publications in Zimbabwe reported that Mugabe left Swaziland without notice because his health deteriorated when he was here.
Air trackers showed the president’s Zim One Air Zimbabwe plane leaving Harare at 22:45 hours, three hours after touching down from Swaziland.
He headed to Dubai and Singapore where he reportedly received the medical attention.

The nine publications that reported on the president’s illness while he was in Swaziland are; Bulawayo24, Harare24, NewsDay, Inquisitr, ZimboToday, ZimNews, Zimbabwe Mail, Nehanda Radio (online) and Minbane Word Press.

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