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MBABANE – A man, estimated to be in his 50s is alleged to have locked four children in a house before proceeding to rape them.

The incident is alleged to have occurred on March 11 at an area known as Corinte, in the outskirts of the capital city. The eldest of the children is nine years old, and the rest are aged seven.

After raping them, the man is alleged to have given the children a total of E16 to share among themselves as a means of silencing them. The man is said to have been employed as a groundsman in one of the neighbouring homesteads, where the alleged rape incident occurred.
The children are all currently enrolled in school and doing Grade I.

He is also said to have enticed the children into the homestead by giving them sweets, biscuits and chips.
According to the mother of two of the children, who will not be named to protect the identities of the minors, her eldest daughter Sindi*disappeared one day while others were at school. She said she looked for her for over five hours.

“When she returned home I tried to ask her where she had been, and she ran away. I sent her elder brother to look for her. When she returned, she told me and her grandmother how she and three other children, including her sister had been raped the previous day, which had led to her wayward behaviour,” she said.

She said her child mentioned the names of the other children who lived in nearby homesteads. Lucy* said it was not the first time her child had been subjected to sexual abuse. She said the other time she had failed to tell them who her assailant was. Lucy said the children told her that the man locked them in a room and ordered them to sleep on a bed and take off their underwear before he raped them.

Comments (5 posted):

on 30/03/2015 07:58:34
Thixo sale ubuya ulandze bantfu bakho lokuningi sekuyonakala kakhulu ....
By Derrick Ndlovu
Sizwe on 30/03/2015 10:38:34
Quinton T Ndzimandze on 30/03/2015 11:31:54
People like this old man deserv to be not given food for 3 weeks and bathantazelwe , this thing is demonic. Yascaphata phela lobabe lo!
Momo on 30/03/2015 20:35:46
uyaganga lo!
mkhathazi on 31/03/2015 13:58:47
we rily need a prayer as a nation

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