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I have been reading all the interesting developments, for quite some time now and I am shocked and disgusted by what is happening in the construction industry. This is monopolisation of the construction industry, driving out the smaller, more honest and effective players.

You hear of the public outcry about the lawyers but trust me those are small fries compared to the construction industry. Ibolile! (it is rotten!)
A Construction Industry Council has been set up with very little input from the ‘real’ drivers of this industry. Most of these committee members have their own interests at heart and are promoting their own companies.

The majority of the committee members are unqualified with questionable reputations. Some of these have held prominent positions and run organisations with questionable ethics that we as active partnerships of the industry can bear testimony to. The state of the industry is rotten to the core and it needs serious cleaning up. Recently we have seen some court cases such as the incomplete home affairs building, the newly constructed SNPF building in Manzini and many others.

Some of these construction firms registered by this Council are placed and registered as high performing firms under questionable circumstances. The majority of the so-called professionals registered by this council do not hold any internationally recognised licences to practice and quite a significant number of them do have any authentic qualifications. There are huge government and parastatal projects that are shadily awarded to poor performing contractors and consultants.

You drive around and see all the huge government and parastatal projects awarded to the very same constructors and consultants, while others are forced to close down for example building, walls, roofs and other poor infrastructural problems are falling and killing my fellow citizens of my beloved kingdom.

Bridges are being swept away almost everyday and no one cares enough about it to do anything. Half-built bridges are being delivered to the Swazi nation as complete and all the funding has disappeared. Roads costing half a million end up costing double the amount. Airport prices have risen tenfold.
I expect the Council to watch and honestly report on these current projects and put aside any personal interests it may have in these projects.


Comments (3 posted):

MAGEBA on 17/10/2014 07:19:42
Trully speaking, the council is like busha, cutting everything that is mushrooming around the grown trees. Exorbitant registration fees are being charged and one is to pay E100 000 for asking someone you know to work on a project for you.These guys are just protecting their companies, thats all.
corncern citizen on 17/10/2014 09:27:25
This is true the board is questionable it is also lead by blind people who are full of corruption. They dont do what they preach, recently they have given themselves or rather riding the gravey train with Swazialnd housing board "the government insitutional houses" without clear following the Government procurement systems look who are riding the gravy train.After 15 years when they would be damaged and need a huge maintanace bill they will be brought back to government mean time they will be enjoying the huge rentals that government will be paying montly for the occupancy of the civil servants. Check who are the people in this gravy train.
Swazi on 17/10/2014 09:35:21
The board needs to be desolved and voted for this is not any other board proffesionalism should be practice. they all have thier vetted interest take a leaf from boards for lawyers,doctors, accountant to mention but a few. Check similar board in Aouth Africa lena ungatsi yokutsengisa emantongomane kungena noma ngubani

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